Publication List
“A Constraint-Based Framework For Diagrammatic Reasoning”. Applied Artificial Intelligence 14. Applied Artificial Intelligence: 327–344.
. 2000. “Real-Time Ecg Emulation: A Multiple Dipole Model For Electrocardiography Simulation”. Studies In Health Technology And Informatics 142. Studies In Health Technology And Informatics: 7–9.
. 2009. “Real-Time Simulator For Intravascular Ultrasound (Ivus)”. Proc. Spie Medical Imaging 8. Proc. Spie Medical Imaging. images/Publication/2007/2007_abkai_ivus.pdf.
. 2007. . 2009.
“Virtual Intensive Care Unit (Icu): Real-Time Simulation Environment Applying Hybrid Approach Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks And Odes”. In Studies In Health Technology And Informatics, 142:1–6. Studies In Health Technology And Informatics.
. 2009. “Physiological Modeling And Real-Time Simulations Based On Dynamic Bayesian Networks”. Miccai2009. Miccai2009.
. 2009. “Towards Customizable Thin-Panel Low-Z Detector Arrays: Electrode Design For Increased Spatial Resolution Ion Chamber Arrays”. Physics In Medicine & Biology 65. Physics In Medicine & Biology: 08NT02. doi:10.1088/1361-6560/ab8109.
. 2020. “Realtime, Ray Casting Based Scatter Dose Estimation For C-Arm X-Ray System”. Journal Of Applied Clinical Medical Physics. Journal Of Applied Clinical Medical Physics. doi:10.1002/ACM2.12036.
. 2017. “Quantitative Morphological Analysis And Digital Modeling Of Polydisperse Anisotropic Carbon Foam”. Carbon 136 (0008-6223). Carbon: 11-20. doi:
. 2018. “Accurate And Efficient Maximal Ball Algorithm For Pore Network Extraction”. Computers & Geosciences 101. Computers & Geosciences: 28–37. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2017.01.004.
. 2017. . 2016.
“Matching Accuracy Of Ultrafast Kilovoltage-Megavoltage (Kv-Mv) Cone Beam Ct For Image Guided Radiation Therapy”. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 90 (1). International Journal Of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics: S829-S830.
. 2014. “Phantom-Based Evaluation Of Dose Exposure Of Ultrafast Combined Kv-Mv-Cbct Towards Clinical Implementation For Igrt Of Lung Cancer”. Plos One 12. Plos One: e0187710. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0187710.
. 2017. “Robust And Reliable Stripe Detection For Cbct”. In Degro. Degro.
. 2009. “Towards Clinical Implementation Of Ultrafast Combined Kv-Mv Cbct For Igrt Of Lung Cancer: Evaluation Of Registration Accuracy Based On Phantom Study ”. Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie 192. Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie. doi:10.1007/s00066-016-0947-2.
. 2016. “Cellular Correlates Of Gray Matter Volume Changes In Magnetic Resonance Morphometry Identified By Two-Photon Microscopy.”. Sci Rep 11 (1). Sci Rep: 4234. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-83491-8.
. 2021. “Feasibility Of Using Single Photon Counting X-Ray For Lung Tumor Position Estimation Based On 4D-Ct”. Zeitschrift Für Medizinische Physik 27. Zeitschrift Für Medizinische Physik: 243–254. doi:10.1016/j.zemedi.2017.05.001.
. 2017. “Compressed Sensing Denoising For Segmentation Of Localization Microscopy Data”. Computational Intelligence In Bioinformatics And Computational Biology (Cibcb), 2016 Ieee Conference On. Computational Intelligence In Bioinformatics And Computational Biology (Cibcb), 2016 Ieee Conference On. doi:10.1109/CIBCB.2016.7758097.
. 2016. “Interactive Physical Simulation Of Catheter Motion For Mayor Vessel Structures And Cavities For Asd/vsd Treatment”. In Proc. Spie Medical Imaging. Vol. 6509. Proc. Spie Medical Imaging.
. 2007. “On Soft Clipping Of Zernike Moments For Deblurring And Enhancement Of Optical Point Spread Functions”. In Image Processing: Algorithms And Systems, Neural Networks, And Machine Learning, Proceedings Of The Spie, 6065:73-83. Image Processing: Algorithms And Systems, Neural Networks, And Machine Learning, Proceedings Of The Spie.
. 2006. “Search For Native Conformations Of Organic Molecules By Genetic Algorithms”. In Euromicro 97, Euromicro Worksh. On Computational Intelligence, 624-630. Euromicro 97, Euromicro Worksh. On Computational Intelligence.
. 1997. “Finding The Conformation Of Organic Molecules With Genetic Algorithms”. In Int. Conf. On Evolutionary Computation Ppsn Iv, 972-981. Int. Conf. On Evolutionary Computation Ppsn Iv.
. 1996. “Optimierung Von Fluoreszenzmarkern Mittels Evolutionaerer Algorithmen”. In Anwendungstechnische Praxis. Vol. 10/97. Anwendungstechnische Praxis.
. 1997. “Industrielle Anwendungen Evolutionaerer Algorithmen”. In , 25-35. Oldenburg Verlag.
. 1998. “Search For Conformation Of Organic Molecules By Genetic Algorithms”. In Comp. Sci. And Biol., Proc. Germ. Conf. Bioinformatics Gcb96, 165-167. Comp. Sci. And Biol., Proc. Germ. Conf. Bioinformatics Gcb96.
. 1996.