Physiological Modeling and Real-Time Simulations Based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks

TitlePhysiological Modeling and Real-Time Simulations Based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsAbkai, C, Hesser, J

This paper discusses a new strategy for describing physiological models by Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBN). These networks allow to mod- el event based dynamic changes of physiological parameters in an independent way, e.g. for medications, interventions, and complications. Hierarchical struc- tures and the graph structures enable knowledge-based modeling and thus to mitigate model complexity. By its statistical nature, the strategy consequently allows handling uncertainty directly. Furthermore, learning routines yield pa- rameter estimation from real data. The applicability is shown for a real-time human patient simulator. Simulation time is dependent to the number of nodes and discrete values, which represent the range of system dynamics. Due to pa- rameter reduction a speed up in comparison to standard integrative approaches is possible. We simulate a circulatory system within 2.5 ms each simulation step on a standard PC.

Citation KeyAbkai2009