Clinical application of varian OBI CBCT system and dose reduction techniques in breast cancer patients setup.

TitleClinical application of varian OBI CBCT system and dose reduction techniques in breast cancer patients setup.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsUeltzhöffer, S, Zygmanski, P, Hesser, J, Högele, W, Wong, J, Bellon, JR, Lyatskaya, Y
JournalMedical physics
Date Publishedjun
KeywordsBody Burden, Breast Neoplasms, Breast Neoplasms: radiography, Female, Humans, Mammography, Mammography: methods, Radiation Dosage, Radiation Protection, Radiation Protection: methods, Radiometry, Radiometry: methods, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, X-Ray Computed: instrumentation

To characterize the standard modes of Varian on board imaging (OBI) v1.4 system and identify techniques to further optimize imaging parameters, in particular, for breast treatment setup.

Citation Key Ueltzhoffer2010
PubMed ID20632611