Publication List
“Secondary Structure And Function Based Protein Fold Recognition”. In Casp4, A-9. Casp4.
. 2000. “A Shading And Compositing Processor Based On Crossbar Switches And Sram Memory”. In Volume Graphics Workshop 99, 161-170. Volume Graphics Workshop 99.
. 1999. “Simulation Of Brain Tissue And Realtime Volume Visualization”. In Computer Aided Radiology Car97, 283-288. Computer Aided Radiology Car97.
. 1997. “On Soft Clipping Of Zernike Moments For Deblurring And Enhancement Of Optical Point Spread Functions”. In Image Processing: Algorithms And Systems, Neural Networks, And Machine Learning, Proceedings Of The Spie, 6065:73-83. Image Processing: Algorithms And Systems, Neural Networks, And Machine Learning, Proceedings Of The Spie.
. 2006. “Solving The Hazard Problem For Algorithmically Optimized Real-Time Volume Rendering”. In Volume Graphics Workshop, 171-184. Volume Graphics Workshop.
. 1999. “On Steiner Trees And Genetic Algorithms”. In Parallelism, Learning, Evolution, Lect. Notes In Comp. Sci., 565:509-525. Parallelism, Learning, Evolution, Lect. Notes In Comp. Sci.
. 1991. “Tackling The Representation Problem By Stochastic Averaging”. In Int. Conf. On Ga Icga 97, 196-203. Int. Conf. On Ga Icga 97.
. 1997. “Three Architectures For Volume Rendering”. In Eurographics 95, 14:111-122. Eurographics 95.
. 1995. “Towards An Optimal Mutation Probability For Genetic Algorithms”. In Parallel Problem Solving From Nature, Lecture Notes In Comp. Sci., 496:23-32. Parallel Problem Solving From Nature, Lecture Notes In Comp. Sci.
. 1991. “Ultrasound Image Reconstruction Using Nesterov's Accelerated Gradient”. In 2018 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings (Nss/mic), 1–3. 2018 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings (Nss/mic). IEEE.
. 2018. “Usct Image Reconstruction: Acceleration Using Gauss-Newton Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient”. In International Workshop On Medical Ultrasound Tomography. International Workshop On Medical Ultrasound Tomography. Speyer, Germany.
. 2017. “Usct Image Reconstruction: Acceleration Using Gauss-Newton Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient”. In Proceedings Of The International Workshop On Medical Ultrasound Tomography, 41–52. Proceedings Of The International Workshop On Medical Ultrasound Tomography. KIT Scientific Publishing.
. 2018. “Usct Imaging Acceleration Using Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient And Multigrid Methods”. In Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie, 194:S153–S154. Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie. SPRINGER HEIDELBERG TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANY.
. 2018. “Vector Extrapolation Based Acceleration Of Regularized Richardson Lucy Image Deblurring”. In Bvm09, 400–404. Bvm09. Heidelberg.
. 2009. “Vergleich Zweier Ansaetze Zur Interaktiven Volumenvisualisierung”. In Bmbf-Statustagung, 225-244. Bmbf-Statustagung.
. 1997. “Verwendung Mehrerer Bildmerkmale Mit Mutual Information In Der Multimodalen Bildregistrierung”. In 47. Jahrestagung Der Dgmp Und 19. Jahrestagung Der Ismrm-Ds. 47. Jahrestagung Der Dgmp Und 19. Jahrestagung Der Ismrm-Ds. Würzburg.
. 2016. “Virim: A Massively Parallel Processor For Real-Time Volume Visualization In Medicine”. In Proc. Eurographics Workshop, 19:103-108. Proc. Eurographics Workshop.
. 1995. “Virim: The Real-Time 3D-Visualization System”. In Vde/vdi-Workshop Integrative 3D Visualisierung. Vde/vdi-Workshop Integrative 3D Visualisierung.
. 1994. “Virtual Intensive Care Unit (Icu): Real-Time Simulation Environment Applying Hybrid Approach Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks And Odes”. In Studies In Health Technology And Informatics, 142:1–6. Studies In Health Technology And Informatics.
. 2009. “Virtual Planning And Simulation Of Complex Posttraumatic Deformities”. In 1Th Annual Meeting Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery. 1Th Annual Meeting Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery.
. 2001. “Volume Rendering Fpga Hardware”. In 11Th Symp. Comp. Arch. And High Perf. Comp., Sbac 99. 11Th Symp. Comp. Arch. And High Perf. Comp., Sbac 99.
. 1999. “Volume Rendering On One Rle Compressed Data Set By A New Combination Of Ray-Casting And Shear-Warp”. In Siggraph 2004. Siggraph 2004.
. 2004. “A Volume Rendering System For Medicine”. In Proc. Informationssysteme Im Unternehmen Krankenhaus, 1-3. Proc. Informationssysteme Im Unternehmen Krankenhaus.
. 1995. “Workflow Automation For Ultrafast Kilovoltage-Megavoltage Cone-Beam Ct For Image Guided Radiotherapy”. In 2Nd Estro Forum, Geneva, Switzerland. 2Nd Estro Forum, Geneva, Switzerland.
. 2013. “Workflow Automation For Ultrafast Kilovoltage-Megavoltage Cone-Beam Ct For Image Guided Radiotherapy”. In 2Nd Estro Forum, Geneva, Switzerland. 2Nd Estro Forum, Geneva, Switzerland.
. 2013.