Publication List
“Breath-Hold Target Localization With Simultaneous Kilovoltage/megavoltage Cone-Beam Ct And Fast Reconstruction”. In World Congress 2009, Medical Physics And Biomedical Engineering, 11 International Congress Of Iupesm. World Congress 2009, Medical Physics And Biomedical Engineering, 11 International Congress Of Iupesm.
. 2009. “Breath-Hold Target Localization With Simultaneous Kilovoltage/megavoltage Cone-Beam Ct And Fast Reconstruction”. Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys. Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys.
. 2010. “Boosting Liver And Lesion Segmentation From Ct Scans By Mask Mining”. Arxiv Preprint Arxiv:1908.05062. Arxiv Preprint Arxiv:1908.05062.
. 2019. “Bone Extraction From Ultrasound Images And Surface Matching With Ct”. In Caos: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery. Caos: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery.
. 2000.