USCT Image Reconstruction: Acceleration using Gauss-Newton Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient

TitleUSCT Image Reconstruction: Acceleration using Gauss-Newton Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsWang, H, Gemmeke, H, Hopp, T, Hesser, J
Conference NameInternational Workshop on Medical Ultrasound Tomography
Date Published11/2017
Conference LocationSpeyer, Germany

In this paper, we solve the inverse problem of image reconstruction in ultrasound transmission tomography, proposing a two-level strategy with an outer and an inner loop. At each iteration of the outer loop, the system is linearized and this linear subproblem is solved in the inner loop with a preconditioned conjugate gradient. A standard Cholesky preconditioning method based on the system matrix is compared with a matrix-free Quasi-Newton update approach, where a preconditioned matrix-vector product is computed at the beginning of every CG iteration. We also use a multigrid scheme with multi-frequency reconstruction to get a convergent rough reconstruction at a lower frequency and then refine it on a higher-resolution grid. 

Citation KeyHongjian2017