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Gebhard, F., O. Krivonos, U.C. Liener, P. Keppler, L. Kinzl, and J. Hesser. 2000. Bone Extraction From Ultrasound Images And Surface Matching With Ct. In Caos: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery. Caos: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery.
Gebhard, F., M. Arand, T. Fleiter, A. Hebecker, P. Heeckt, J. Hesser, P. Messmer, et al.. 2001. Computer-Assisted Surgery: Developments And Prospects In 2001. In Results Of A Workshop At Schloss Reisenburg, Unfallchirurg 2001th ed., 4:782-788. Results Of A Workshop At Schloss Reisenburg.
Gebhard, F., M. Arand, T. Fleiter, A. Hebecker, P. Heeckt, J. Hesser, P. Messmer, et al.. 2000. Computer Assisted Surgery, 2001 Development And Prospects. In Results Of A Congress At Reisensburg Castle. Results Of A Congress At Reisensburg Castle.
Giordano, FA, V Siefert, G Welzel, M Blessing, C Neumaier, L Jahnke, J Hesser, and F Wenz. 2018. App-Based Pro Monitoring In Geriatric Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy–An Initial Analysis Of The Prospective Telegraph Trial. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology• Biology• Physics 102. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology• Biology• Physics: e254.
Glodeck, Daniel, Lei Zheng, and Jürgen Hesser. 2016. Verwendung Mehrerer Bildmerkmale Mit Mutual Information In Der Multimodalen Bildregistrierung. In 47. Jahrestagung Der Dgmp Und 19. Jahrestagung Der Ismrm-Ds. 47. Jahrestagung Der Dgmp Und 19. Jahrestagung Der Ismrm-Ds. Würzburg.
Groepl, A., T. Günther, J. Hesser, J. Kröll, R. Männer, C. Poliwoda, and C. Reinhart. 1995. A Volume Rendering System For Medicine. In Proc. Informationssysteme Im Unternehmen Krankenhaus, 1-3. Proc. Informationssysteme Im Unternehmen Krankenhaus.
Gröpl, A., T. Günther, J. Hesser, J. Kröll, R. Männer, C. Poliwoda, C. Reinhart, et al.. 1996. Interactive Operation Planning And Control With Virim. In Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 4, 121-133. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 4.
Grunzke, Richard, Jürgen Hesser, Jurgen Starek, Nick Kepper, Sandra Gesing, Marcus Hardt, Volker Hartmann, et al.. 2014. Device-Driven Metadata Management Solutions For Scientific Big Data Use Cases. In 2014 22Nd Euromicro International Conference On Parallel, Distributed, And Network-Based Processing. 2014 22Nd Euromicro International Conference On Parallel, Distributed, And Network-Based Processing. IEEE. doi:10.1109/PDP.2014.119.
Guthier, C., and J. Hesser. 2014. Comparison Of Two Different Milp Optimizers For Ldr Brachytherapy Treatment Planning. In Jahreskongress Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Radioonkologie (Degro). Jahreskongress Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Radioonkologie (Degro).
