Publication List
“Optimierung Des Energiespektrums Fuer Die Perkutane Strahlentherapie Mit Goldnanopartikeln”. 18. Degro Forum, Wiesbaden. 18. Degro Forum, Wiesbaden. DEGRO.
. 2012. “Discrete Element Method (Dem) Simulation And Validation Of A Screw Feeder System”. Powder Technology 287. Powder Technology: 131–138. doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2015.09.038.
. 2015. “Modeling Sphere Dynamics In Blood Vessels For Sirt Pre-Planning – To Fathom The Potential And Limitations”. Z Med Phys. 29 (1). Z Med Phys.: 15. doi:10.1016/j.zemedi.2018.05.006.
. 2019. “Evaluation Of A New Image Reconstruction Method For Digital Breast Tomosynthesis: Effects On The Visibility Of Breast Lesions And Breast Density”. The British Journal Of Radiology 92. The British Journal Of Radiology: 20190345.
. 2019. “Evaluation Of A New Image Reconstruction Method For Digital Breast Tomosynthesis: Effects On The Visibility Of Breast Lesions And Breast Density”. The British Journal Of Radiology 92. The British Journal Of Radiology: 20190345. doi:10.1259/bjr.20190345.
. 2019. “Cathi - Ein Virtuelles Trainingssystem Fuer Ptca”. In 26. Herbsttagung Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fuer Kardiologie- Herz- Und Kreislaufforschung. 26. Herbsttagung Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fuer Kardiologie- Herz- Und Kreislaufforschung.
. 2002. “Fast Feldkamp-Reconstruction For Real-Time Reconstruction Using C-Arm-Systems”. In Cars 2002, 430-434. Cars 2002.
. 2002. “Cathi - A New Training Concept In Interventional Cardiology”. In Sesam 2003. Sesam 2003.
. 2003. “Cathi Training On Virtual Patients For Catheter Interventions”. In Bmt 2002, 1:121-123. Bmt 2002.
. 2002. “Automated Multiscale 3D Feature Learning For Vessels Segmentation In Thorax Ct Images”. Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference. Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference. doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2016.8069570.
. 2016. “Fully Convolutional Deep Network Architectures For Automatic Short Glass Fiber Semantic Segmentation From Ct Scans”. In 8Th Conference On Industrial Computed Tomography (Ict 2018). 8Th Conference On Industrial Computed Tomography (Ict 2018). Wels, Austria.
. 2018. “Instance Segmentation Of Densely Packed Cells Using A Hybrid Model Of U-Net And Mask R-Cnn”. In Artificial Intelligence And Soft Computing, 626–635. Artificial Intelligence And Soft Computing. Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-61401-0_58.
. 2020. “Instance Segmentation Of Fibers From Low Resolution Ct Scans Via 3D Deep Embedding Learning”. In The Proceedings Of Bmvc 2018. The Proceedings Of Bmvc 2018. Northumbria University.
. 2018. “Reference Setup For Quantitative Comparison Of Segmentation Techniques For Short Glass Fiber Ct Data”. In 7Th Conference On Industrial Computed Tomography (Ict 2017). 7Th Conference On Industrial Computed Tomography (Ict 2017). Leuven, Belgium.
. 2017. “Live-Wires On Edges Of Pre-Segmented Data”. In Bvm 2003, 156-160. Bvm 2003.
. 2003. “3D Live-Wires On Mosaic Volumes”. In Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 14, 119:264-266. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 14.
. 2006. “3D Live-Wires On Pre-Segmented Volume Data”. In Spie Medical Imaging 2005, 1674-1679. Spie Medical Imaging 2005.
. 2005. “Live-Wires Using Path-Graphs”. In Methods Of Information In Medicine, 5:371-375. Methods Of Information In Medicine.
. 2004. “Computerunterstuetzte Planung Von Korrekturosteotomien”. Hefte Z.d. Unfallchirurg. 282. Hefte Z.d. Unfallchirurg.: 300-301.
. 2000. “Computer-Aided Correction Of Bone Deformities”. In Caos: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery. Caos: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery.
. 2000. “Virtual Planning And Simulation Of Complex Posttraumatic Deformities”. In 1Th Annual Meeting Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery. 1Th Annual Meeting Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery.
. 2001. . 2009.
“Individual Ability-Based System Configuration - Cognitive Profiling With Bayesian Networks”. Studies In Health Technology And Informatics 132. Studies In Health Technology And Informatics.
. 2008. “Conditional Random Fields For Phase-Based Lung Feature Tracking With Ultra-Low-Dose X-Rays”. Medical Physics 46. Medical Physics: 2337–2346.
. 2019. “Diffuse Domain Method For Needle Insertion Simulations”. International Journal For Numerical Methods In Biomedical Engineering 36. International Journal For Numerical Methods In Biomedical Engineering: e3377. doi:
. 2020.