Publication List

Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Journal Article
Roth, Karsten, Jürgen Hesser, and Tomasz Konopczyński. 2019. Boosting Liver And Lesion Segmentation From Ct Scans By Mask Mining. Arxiv Preprint Arxiv:1908.05062. Arxiv Preprint Arxiv:1908.05062.
Ng, Sook Kien, Yulia Lyatskaya, Dzimitry Stsepankou, Juergen Hesser, Jennifer R Bellon, Julia S Wong, and Piotr Zygmanski. 2013. Automation Of Clip Localization In Digital Tomosynthesis For Setup Of Breast Cancer Patients.. Physica Medica : Pm : An International Journal Devoted To The Applications Of Physics To Medicine And Biology : Official Journal Of The Italian Association Of Biomedical Physics (Aifb) 29. Physica Medica : Pm : An International Journal Devoted To The Applications Of Physics To Medicine And Biology : Official Journal Of The Italian Association Of Biomedical Physics (Aifb): 75–82. doi:10.1016/j.ejmp.2011.12.001.
Giordano, FA, V Siefert, G Welzel, M Blessing, C Neumaier, L Jahnke, J Hesser, and F Wenz. 2018. App-Based Pro Monitoring In Geriatric Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy–An Initial Analysis Of The Prospective Telegraph Trial. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology• Biology• Physics 102. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology• Biology• Physics: e254.
Bock, C., and J. Hesser. 2006. Analysis And Prediction Of Helix Shift Errors In Homology Modeling. In Silico Biology 6. In Silico Biology: 131-145.
Arand, Frederick, and Jürgen Hesser. 2017. Accurate And Efficient Maximal Ball Algorithm For Pore Network Extraction. Computers & Geosciences 101. Computers & Geosciences: 28–37. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2017.01.004.
Conference Proceedings
Ortmann, Uwe, Volker Buschmann, Cathleen Fichtner, Deborah Herdt, Felix Koberling, Daniel Schock-Kusch, Sabine Neudecker, et al.. 2015. Dramatic Reduction Of Tracer Concentration In Renal Function Monitoring Through Time-Resolved Fluorescence Detection. Optical Diagnostics And Sensing Xvi: Toward Point-Of-Care Diagnostics. Optical Diagnostics And Sensing Xvi: Toward Point-Of-Care Diagnostics. San Francisco, California, United States: SPIE.
Debatin, Maurice, Stsepankou Dzimitry, and Jürgen Hesser. 2013. Ct Reconstruction From Few-Views By Higher Order Adaptive Weighted Total Variation Minimization. Proc. Intl. Mtg. On Fully 3D Image Reconstruction. Proc. Intl. Mtg. On Fully 3D Image Reconstruction. Proc. Intl. Mtg. on Fully 3D Image Reconstruction.
Debatin, Maurice, Piotr Zygmanski, Stsepankou Dzimitry, and Jürgen Hesser. 2012. Ct Reconstruction From Few-Views By Anisotropic Total Variation Minimization. Ieee Mic. Ieee Mic. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference.
Maur, Susanne, Dzmitry Stsepankou, and J. Hesser. 2016. Ct Auto-Calibration By Consistent Contours. Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference. Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference.
Guthier, C. V, K. P Aschenbrenner, F. Wenz, and J. W Hesser. 2015. Compressed Sensing-Based Ldr Brachytherapy Inverse Treatment Planning With Biological Models. World Congress On Medical Physics And Biomedical Engineering. World Congress On Medical Physics And Biomedical Engineering. Toronto, Canada: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-19387-8_102.
