Publication List

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Conference Paper
Hesser, J., A. Kugel, H. Singpiel, B. Vettermann, and R. Männer. 1999. Volume Rendering Fpga Hardware. In 11Th Symp. Comp. Arch. And High Perf. Comp., Sbac 99. 11Th Symp. Comp. Arch. And High Perf. Comp., Sbac 99.
Groepl, A., T. Günther, J. Hesser, J. Kröll, R. Männer, C. Poliwoda, and C. Reinhart. 1995. A Volume Rendering System For Medicine. In Proc. Informationssysteme Im Unternehmen Krankenhaus, 1-3. Proc. Informationssysteme Im Unternehmen Krankenhaus.
Conference Proceedings
Maur, Susanne, Dzmitry Stsepankou, and J. Hesser. 2016. Ct Auto-Calibration By Consistent Contours. Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference. Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference.
Journal Article
Keppler, P., D. Moskalenko, F. Gebhard, J. Hesser, L. Kinzl, and R. Männer. 2000. Computerunterstuetzte Planung Von Korrekturosteotomien. Hefte Z.d. Unfallchirurg. 282. Hefte Z.d. Unfallchirurg.: 300-301.
Keppler, P., D. Moskalenko, F. Gebhard, J. Hesser, L. Kinzl, and R. Männer. 2000. Computerunterstuetzte Planung Von Korrekturosteotomien. Hefte Z.d. Unfallchirurg. 282. Hefte Z.d. Unfallchirurg.: 300-301.
Marco-Rius, I, L Wack, P Tsiamas, E Tryggestad, R Berbeco, J Hesser, and P Zygmanski. 2013. A Fast Analytic Dose Calculation Method For Arc Treatments For Kilovoltage Small Animal Irradiators.. Physica Medica : Pm : An International Journal Devoted To The Applications Of Physics To Medicine And Biology : Official Journal Of The Italian Association Of Biomedical Physics (Aifb) 29. Physica Medica : Pm : An International Journal Devoted To The Applications Of Physics To Medicine And Biology : Official Journal Of The Italian Association Of Biomedical Physics (Aifb): 426–35. doi:10.1016/j.ejmp.2013.02.003.
Maksimov, D., J. Hesser, T. Dietz, A. Schnitzer, C. Düber, S. Schönberg, and S. Diehl. 2009. Graph-Matching Based Cta. Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging 28. Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging: 1940-1954.
