Publication List
“Priming The Abscopal Effect-A Lung Cancer Study”. In Medical Physics, 46:E459–E459. Medical Physics. WILEY 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA.
. 2019. “Projection-Wise Filter Optimization For Limited-Angle Cone-Beam Ct Using The Approximate Inverse”. Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science 62 (1). Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science: 148,163.
. 2015. “Protein Structure Prediction Using Combinatorial Optimization”. In Int. Conf. Mathematics And Engineering Techniques In Medicine And Biological Sciences (Metmbs), 233-238. Int. Conf. Mathematics And Engineering Techniques In Medicine And Biological Sciences (Metmbs).
. 2000. “Protein Structure Prediction With Combinatorial Optimization”. In Third Community Wide Experiment On The Critical Assessment Of Techniques For Protein Structure Prediction, Casp3, 77. Third Community Wide Experiment On The Critical Assessment Of Techniques For Protein Structure Prediction, Casp3.
. 1998. “Ray-Casting Free-Form Deformed Volume Objects”. J. Vis. And Comp. Anim. 14. J. Vis. And Comp. Anim.: 61-72.
. 2003. “Realistische Reisen Durch Den Menschlichen Koerper”. Sp. D. Wissenschaft, Dossier 1/99. Sp. D. Wissenschaft, Dossier: 34-35.
. 1999. “Realistische Reisen Durch Den Menschlichen Körper”. Sp. D. Wissenschaft, Digest 2/99. Sp. D. Wissenschaft, Digest: 104-106.
. 1999. “Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering”. In Proc. Statustagung Bmbf Hpsc 95, 219-224. Proc. Statustagung Bmbf Hpsc 95.
. 1995. “Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering In Functional Imaging”. In 13Th Ann. Sci. Meeting - Esmrmb 96, 290. 13Th Ann. Sci. Meeting - Esmrmb 96.
. 1996. “Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering In Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging”. Magma 5. Magma: 87-91.
. 1997. “Real-Time Inverse High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy Planning With Catheter Optimization By Compressed Sensing-Inspired Optimization Strategies.”. Phys Med Biol 61 (16). Phys Med Biol: 5956-72. doi:10.1088/0031-9155/61/16/5956.
. 2016. “Real-Time Optimization By Hardware Supported Genetic Algorithms”. In 2Nd Int. Mendel Conf. On Ga, 52-59. 2Nd Int. Mendel Conf. On Ga.
. 1996. “Real-Time Simulator For Intravascular Ultrasound (Ivus)”. Proc. Spie Medical Imaging 8. Proc. Spie Medical Imaging. images/Publication/2007/2007_abkai_ivus.pdf.
. 2007. “Real-Time Volume Visualization Of Ct And Nmr Images.”. In Minimal Invasive Therapy, 3:9. Minimal Invasive Therapy.
. 1994. “Real-Time Volume Visualization Of Ct And Nmr Images.”. In Minimal Invasive Therapy, 3:9. Minimal Invasive Therapy.
. 1994. “Real-Time Volume Visualization Of Ct And Nmr Images.”. In Minimal Invasive Therapy, 3:9. Minimal Invasive Therapy.
. 1994. “Real-Time-Functional Mri Explorer”. In Int. Congr. On Biol. And Med. Engineering (Icbme). Int. Congr. On Biol. And Med. Engineering (Icbme).
. 2002. “Real-Time-Functional Mri Explorer”. In Int. Congr. On Biol. And Med. Engineering (Icbme). Int. Congr. On Biol. And Med. Engineering (Icbme).
. 2002. “Reducing Artifacts In Volume Rendering By Higher Order Integration”. In Late Breaking Hot Topics, Visualization 97, 1-4. Late Breaking Hot Topics, Visualization 97.
. 1997. “Reliability Of Transcutaneous Measurement Of Renal Function In Various Strains Of Conscious Mice.”. Plos One 8. Plos One: e71519. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0071519.
. 2013. “Removal Of Bone Information In Dual Energy Ct”. In Proceedings Of The Miccai-Cvii Workshop, 120–127. Proceedings Of The Miccai-Cvii Workshop. New York, USA.
. 2008. “Rigid Multimodal Registration Without Markers”. In Curac 2004. Curac 2004.
. 2004. “Robust Head Tracking For Fmri And Meg”. In 7Th World Multiconference On Systemics, Cybernetics And Informatics, Voll Iv, 159-163. 7Th World Multiconference On Systemics, Cybernetics And Informatics, Voll Iv.
. 2003. “Robust Head Tracking For Fmri And Meg”. In 7Th World Multiconference On Systemics, Cybernetics And Informatics, Voll Iv, 159-163. 7Th World Multiconference On Systemics, Cybernetics And Informatics, Voll Iv.
. 2003. “Search For Conformation Of Organic Molecules By Genetic Algorithms”. In Comp. Sci. And Biol., Proc. Germ. Conf. Bioinformatics Gcb96, 165-167. Comp. Sci. And Biol., Proc. Germ. Conf. Bioinformatics Gcb96.
. 1996.