Publication List
“Realistische Reisen Durch Den Menschlichen Körper”. Sp. D. Wissenschaft, Digest 2/99. Sp. D. Wissenschaft, Digest: 104-106.
. 1999. “Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering And Interactive Segmentation Of Medical Volume Data Sets”. In Herbsttagung 97: 3D Bildanalyse Und Synthese, 89-96. Herbsttagung 97: 3D Bildanalyse Und Synthese.
. 1997. “Optimization Of Steiner Trees Using Genetic Algorithms”. In Proc. 3Rd Int. Conf. On Genetic Algorithms, 231-236. Proc. 3Rd Int. Conf. On Genetic Algorithms.
. 1989. “Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering In Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging”. Magma 5. Magma: 87-91.
. 1997. “Realistische Reisen Durch Den Menschlichen Koerper”. Sp. D. Wissenschaft, Dossier 1/99. Sp. D. Wissenschaft, Dossier: 34-35.
. 1999. “On Steiner Trees And Genetic Algorithms”. In Parallelism, Learning, Evolution, Lect. Notes In Comp. Sci., 565:509-525. Parallelism, Learning, Evolution, Lect. Notes In Comp. Sci.
. 1991. “New Technologies In Radiation Oncology”. In , 9-16. Springer.
. 2005. “Atlantis A Hybrid Approach Combining The Power Of Fpga And Risc Processors Based On Compactpci”. In Fccm 98, Ieee Symposium On Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines. Fccm 98, Ieee Symposium On Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines.
. 1998. “Virim: The Real-Time 3D-Visualization System”. In Vde/vdi-Workshop Integrative 3D Visualisierung. Vde/vdi-Workshop Integrative 3D Visualisierung.
. 1994. “Three Architectures For Volume Rendering”. In Eurographics 95, 14:111-122. Eurographics 95.
. 1995. “Towards An Optimal Mutation Probability For Genetic Algorithms”. In Parallel Problem Solving From Nature, Lecture Notes In Comp. Sci., 496:23-32. Parallel Problem Solving From Nature, Lecture Notes In Comp. Sci.
. 1991. “Operation Planning Of Correction Osteotomies In 3D”. In Bmt 2002, 90-92. Bmt 2002.
. 2002. “Parallel Workstation For 3D Data Processing”. In Supercomputer 96; Fokuspraxis, Information Und Kommunikation, 14:138-149. Supercomputer 96; Fokuspraxis, Information Und Kommunikation.
. 1996. “Real-Time Volume Visualization Of Ct And Nmr Images.”. In Minimal Invasive Therapy, 3:9. Minimal Invasive Therapy.
. 1994. “Computer Vision Handbook”. In , 2 (Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition):875-905. Academic Press.
. 1999. “An Alternative Genetic Algorithm”. In Parallel Problem Solving From Nature; Lecture Notes In Comp. Sci., 496:33-37. Parallel Problem Solving From Nature; Lecture Notes In Comp. Sci.
. 1991. “X-Ray Based Nanoparticle Imaging”. In Nanoparticle Enhanced Radiation Therapy, 12–1 to 12–18. Nanoparticle Enhanced Radiation Therapy. IOP Publishing. doi:10.1088/978-0-7503-2396-3ch12.
. 2020. “Volume Rendering Fpga Hardware”. In 11Th Symp. Comp. Arch. And High Perf. Comp., Sbac 99. 11Th Symp. Comp. Arch. And High Perf. Comp., Sbac 99.
. 1999. “Investigation Of The M-Heuristic For Optimal Mutation Probabilities”. In Parallel Problem Solving From Nature 2, 115-124. Parallel Problem Solving From Nature 2.
. 1992. “Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering In Functional Imaging”. In 13Th Ann. Sci. Meeting - Esmrmb 96, 290. 13Th Ann. Sci. Meeting - Esmrmb 96.
. 1996. “Cathi - Catheter Instruction System”. In Cars 2002, 101-106. Cars 2002.
. 2002. “Stochastic Formulation Of Patient Positioning Using Linac-Mounted Cone Beam Imaging With Prior Knowledge.”. Medical Physics 38. Medical Physics: 668–81.
. 2011. . 2010.
“Gpu-Acceleration Of Geant4-Based Monte Carlo Simulations For Radio Therapy”. Astro. Astro. ASTRO.
. 2008.