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Krivonos, O., D. Moskalenko, P. Keppler, L. Kinzl, J. Hesser, and R. Männer. 2001. Computer Simulation Of Osteotomy Correction. In Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001, 247-249. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001.
Krivonos, O., J. Hesser, R. Männer, T. Pörner, B. Göble, S. Kralev, and K.K. Haase. 2003. Automated Ultrasound Based Classification Of Myocardial Regions. In Prip: Proceedings Of 7Th International Conference, 1:1231-1236. Prip: Proceedings Of 7Th International Conference.
Krivonos, O., P. Keppler, and J. Hesser. 2001. Computer-Aided Osteotomy Correction: Planning And Operation Support. In 6Th Intern. Conf. On Pattern Recognition And Information Processing, 101-105. 6Th Intern. Conf. On Pattern Recognition And Information Processing.
Krivonos, O., J. Hesser, R. Männer, F. Gebhard, U. Liener, P. Keppler, and L. Kinzl. 2000. Minimal Invasive Surgery Of The Pelvis Using Ultrasound. In Proc. 4Th Caosusa: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery, 203-205. Proc. 4Th Caosusa: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery.
Krivonos, O., P. Keppler, F. Gebhard, L. Kinzl, J. Hesser, and R. Männer. 2001. From Planning Of Complex Bone Deformities Correction To Computer Aided Operation. In 14Th Ieee Symposium On Computer-Based Medical Systems, 210-215. 14Th Ieee Symposium On Computer-Based Medical Systems.
Kryvanos, A., and J. Hesser. 2005. Fast Total Variation Image Restoration Methods. In In 8Th Intern. Conf. On Pattern Recognition And Information Processing, 140-143. In 8Th Intern. Conf. On Pattern Recognition And Information Processing.
Kryvanos, A., J. Hesser, and G. Steidl. 2005. Nonlinear Image Restoration Methods For Marker Extraction In 3D Fluorescent Microscopy. In Is\\\&t/spie 17Th Annual Symposium Ei05 - Electronic Imaging, 432-443. Is\\\&t/spie 17Th Annual Symposium Ei05 - Electronic Imaging.
Kuehne, G., C. Poliwoda, J. Hesser, and R. Männer. 1997. Interactive Segmentation And Visualization Of Volume Data Sets. In Late Breaking Hot Topics, Visualization 97, 9-12. Late Breaking Hot Topics, Visualization 97.
