Publication List
“An Interactive Application For Removal Of Bone Information In Ct-Angiography”. In Ieee Cbms, 396. Ieee Cbms.
. 2004. “Live-Wires Using Path-Graphs”. In Methods Of Information In Medicine, 5:371-375. Methods Of Information In Medicine.
. 2004. “Rigid Multimodal Registration Without Markers”. In Curac 2004. Curac 2004.
. 2004. “Volume Rendering On One Rle Compressed Data Set By A New Combination Of Ray-Casting And Shear-Warp”. In Siggraph 2004. Siggraph 2004.
. 2004. “3D Live-Wires On Pre-Segmented Volume Data”. In Spie Medical Imaging 2005, 1674-1679. Spie Medical Imaging 2005.
. 2005. “Automated 3D Reconstruction Of Coronary Artery Tree Based On Stachastic Branch\&bound”. In Proc. Spie Medical Imaging, 5747:741-746. Proc. Spie Medical Imaging.
. 2005. “Cone-Beam Ct Reconstruction Using A Combination Of Fpgas And Gpus”. In Hvc Workshop 2005. Hvc Workshop 2005.
. 2005. “Fast Total Variation Image Restoration Methods”. In In 8Th Intern. Conf. On Pattern Recognition And Information Processing, 140-143. In 8Th Intern. Conf. On Pattern Recognition And Information Processing.
. 2005. “Fast Visualization By Shear-Warp On Quadratic Super-Spline Models Using Wavelet Data Decomposition”. In Ieee Visualization, 351-358. Ieee Visualization.
. 2005. “Iterative Cone-Beam Tomographic Reconstruction,using Hardware Accelerated Forward And Back Projectors”. In Prip 2005, 337-340. Prip 2005.
. 2005. “New Technologies In Radiation Oncology”. In , 9-16. Springer.
. 2005. “Nonlinear Image Restoration Methods For Marker Extraction In 3D Fluorescent Microscopy”. In Is\\\&t/spie 17Th Annual Symposium Ei05 - Electronic Imaging, 432-443. Is\\\&t/spie 17Th Annual Symposium Ei05 - Electronic Imaging.
. 2005. “Parameter Choice For Fast Rigid Multimodal Registration”. In Proc. Spie Medical Imaging, 5747:163-169. Proc. Spie Medical Imaging.
. 2005. “3D Live-Wires On Mosaic Volumes”. In Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 14, 119:264-266. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 14.
. 2006. “Analysis And Prediction Of Helix Shift Errors In Homology Modeling”. In Silico Biology 6. In Silico Biology: 131-145.
. 2006. “New Hull-Voxel Approach To Image Reconstruction From Limited Projection And Views”. In Ecndt, 11. Ecndt.
. 2006. “On Soft Clipping Of Zernike Moments For Deblurring And Enhancement Of Optical Point Spread Functions”. In Image Processing: Algorithms And Systems, Neural Networks, And Machine Learning, Proceedings Of The Spie, 6065:73-83. Image Processing: Algorithms And Systems, Neural Networks, And Machine Learning, Proceedings Of The Spie.
. 2006. “Interactive Physical Simulation Of Catheter Motion For Mayor Vessel Structures And Cavities For Asd/vsd Treatment”. In Proc. Spie Medical Imaging. Vol. 6509. Proc. Spie Medical Imaging.
. 2007. “Gpu-Acceleration Of Geant4-Based Monte Carlo Simulations For Radio Therapy”. Astro. Astro. ASTRO.
. 2008. “Graph-Matching Based Cta”. Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging 28. Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging: 1940-1954.
. 2009. “Denoising By Second Order Statistics”. Signal Processing 92. Signal Processing: 2837-2847.
. 2012. “Evaluation Of Robustness Of Maximum Likelihood Cone-Beam Ct Reconstruction With Total Variation Regularization.”. Physics In Medicine And Biology 57. Physics In Medicine And Biology: 5955–5970. doi:10.1088/0031-9155/57/19/5955.
. 2012. “Gmc: A Gpu Implementation Of A Monte Carlo Dose Calculation Based On Geant4”. Physics In Medicine And Biology 57. Physics In Medicine And Biology: 1217.
. 2012. “Kilovoltage Beam Model For Flat Panel Imaging System With Bow-Tie Filter For Scatter Prediction And Correction”. European Journal Of Medical Physics. European Journal Of Medical Physics.
. 2012.