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Guthier, C., and J. Hesser. 2014. Comparison Of Two Different Milp Optimizers For Ldr Brachytherapy Treatment Planning. In Jahreskongress Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Radioonkologie (Degro). Jahreskongress Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Radioonkologie (Degro).
Grunzke, Richard, Jürgen Hesser, Jurgen Starek, Nick Kepper, Sandra Gesing, Marcus Hardt, Volker Hartmann, et al.. 2014. Device-Driven Metadata Management Solutions For Scientific Big Data Use Cases. In 2014 22Nd Euromicro International Conference On Parallel, Distributed, And Network-Based Processing. 2014 22Nd Euromicro International Conference On Parallel, Distributed, And Network-Based Processing. IEEE. doi:10.1109/PDP.2014.119.
Grunzke, Richard, Jürgen Hesser, Jurgen Starek, Nick Kepper, Sandra Gesing, Marcus Hardt, Volker Hartmann, et al.. 2014. Device-Driven Metadata Management Solutions For Scientific Big Data Use Cases. In 2014 22Nd Euromicro International Conference On Parallel, Distributed, And Network-Based Processing. 2014 22Nd Euromicro International Conference On Parallel, Distributed, And Network-Based Processing. IEEE. doi:10.1109/PDP.2014.119.
Harth, S, Lei Zheng, Y Abo-Madyan, F Wenz, and FA Giordano. 2013. Mapping Of Brain Metastases To Evaluate The Risk Of Hippocampus-Sparing Prophylactic And Therapeutic Cranial Irradiation. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology• Biology• Physics 87. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology• Biology• Physics: S103–S104.
Cleppien, D., A. Sartorius, N. Gass, H. Noori, Lei Zheng, and W. Weber-Fahr. 2011. High -Resolution Regional Cerebral Blood Volume Mapping By Using Pharmacological High-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging. European Neuropsychopharmacology : The Journal Of The European College Of Neuropsychopharmacology 21. European Neuropsychopharmacology : The Journal Of The European College Of Neuropsychopharmacology: S307–S308.
Weber-Fahr, W., S. Biedermann, Lei Zheng, C. Falfan-Melgoza, J. Fuss, A. Sartorius, P. Gass, and G. Ende. 2011. The Influence Of Physical Activity On The Structure And Metabolism Of The Mouse Hippocampus - Combining 1H Mrs And Vbm At 9.4T. In Proceedings 19Th Scientific Meeting, International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine. Proceedings 19Th Scientific Meeting, International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine.
Biedermann, Sarah, Alexander Sartorius, Lei Zheng, Barbara Vollmayr, Peter Gass, Gabriele Ende, and Wolfgang Weber-Fahr. 2009. Hippocampal Alterations In Congenital Learned Helpless Rats After Electroconvulsive Seizures Detected With In Vivo 1H Mr-Spectroscopy At 9.4T. In Proceedings 17Th Scientific Meeting, International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine, 3289. Proceedings 17Th Scientific Meeting, International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine.
