Publication List
“Increased Carcinoembryonic Antigen Expression On The Surface Of Lung Cancer Cells During Radiotherapy”. In Medical Physics, 45:E353–E353. Medical Physics. WILEY 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA.
. 2018. “Nanoparticle Drones To Label, Kill And Track Circulating Tumor Cells During Radiotherapy”. In Medical Physics, 46:E191–E191. Medical Physics. WILEY 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA.
. 2019. “Calculating Dense Disparity Maps From Color Stereo Images, An Efficient Implementation”. In Ieee Workshop On Stereo And Multi-Baseline Vision, 30-36. Ieee Workshop On Stereo And Multi-Baseline Vision. {Kauaí Hawaií.
. 2001. “Calculating Dense Disparity Maps From Color Stereo Images, An Efficient Implementation”. Int. J. Of Comp. Vision 47. Int. J. Of Comp. Vision: 79-88.
. 2002. “Parameter Choice For Fast Rigid Multimodal Registration”. In Proc. Spie Medical Imaging, 5747:163-169. Proc. Spie Medical Imaging.
. 2005. “Fast Rigid 2D-2D Multimodal Registration”. In Miccai 2004, LNCS 3216:887-894. Miccai 2004.
. 2004. “Correction Of C-Arm Projection Matrices By 3D-2D Rigid Registration Of Ct-Images Using Mutual Information”. In Wibr 03, LNCS 2717:161-170. Wibr 03.
. 2003. “Rigid Multimodal Registration Without Markers”. In Curac 2004. Curac 2004.
. 2004.