Publication List
“Bone Extraction From Ultrasound Images And Surface Matching With Ct”. In Caos: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery. Caos: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery.
. 2000. “Computer Aided Correction Of Osteotomies”. In 10 Icbme, Biomedical Engineering In The New Millennium: Integration And Breakthroughs, 565. 10 Icbme, Biomedical Engineering In The New Millennium: Integration And Breakthroughs.
. 2000. “Computer Assisted Treatment Of Pelvis Fractures”. In Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001, 242-246. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001.
. 2001. “Computer Simulation Of Osteotomy Correction”. In Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001, 247-249. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001.
. 2001. “Computer-Aided Correction Of Bone Deformities”. In Caos: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery. Caos: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery.
. 2000. “Computer-Aided Osteotomy Correction: Planning And Operation Support”. In 6Th Intern. Conf. On Pattern Recognition And Information Processing, 101-105. 6Th Intern. Conf. On Pattern Recognition And Information Processing.
. 2001. “From Planning Of Complex Bone Deformities Correction To Computer Aided Operation”. In 14Th Ieee Symposium On Computer-Based Medical Systems, 210-215. 14Th Ieee Symposium On Computer-Based Medical Systems.
. 2001. “Implementation Of Ultrasound For Treatment Of Pelvis Fractures”. In 10 Icbme, Biomedical Engineering In The New Millennium: Integration And Breakthroughs, 479-480. 10 Icbme, Biomedical Engineering In The New Millennium: Integration And Breakthroughs.
. 2000. “Knochenextraktion Aus Ultraschallbildern Zum Surface Matching Mit Ct- Daten”. In Jahrestagung Der Dgu. Jahrestagung Der Dgu.
. 2000. “Minimal Invasive Surgery Of The Pelvis Using Ultrasound”. In Proc. 4Th Caosusa: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery, 203-205. Proc. 4Th Caosusa: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery.
. 2000. “Operation Planning Of Correction Osteotomies In 3D”. In Bmt 2002, 90-92. Bmt 2002.
. 2002. “Precise Computer Aided Correction Of Bone Deformities”. In Wc2003. Wc2003.
. 2003. “Virtual Planning And Simulation Of Complex Posttraumatic Deformities”. In 1Th Annual Meeting Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery. 1Th Annual Meeting Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery.
. 2001. “Knochenextraktion Aus Ultraschallbildern Zum Surface Matching Mit Ct Daten”. Hefte Z.d. Unfallchirurg. 282. Hefte Z.d. Unfallchirurg.: 301-302.
. 2000.