Publication List
“Reliability Of Transcutaneous Measurement Of Renal Function In Various Strains Of Conscious Mice.”. Plos One 8. Plos One: e71519. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0071519.
. 2013. “Robustness Of Sweeping-Window Arc Therapy Treatment Sequences Against Intrafractional Tumor Motion.”. Med Phys 42 (4). Med Phys: 1538-45. doi:10.1118/1.4914166.
. 2015. “Salt And Pepper Noise Removal In Binary Images Using Image Block Prior Probabilities”. Journal Of Visual Communication And Image Representation 25. Journal Of Visual Communication And Image Representation: 748-754.
. 2014. “Simulation Of Dynamic Ultrasound Based On Ct Models For Medical Education”. Studies In Health Technology And Informatics 132. Studies In Health Technology And Informatics: 65-61. images/Publication/2008/2008_buerger_us.pdf.
. 2008. “Stable And Robust Geometric Self-Calibration For Cone-Beam Ct Using Mutual Information”. Ieee Transaction On Nuclear Science 61. Ieee Transaction On Nuclear Science: 202,217.
. 2014. “Stochastic Formulation Of Patient Positioning Using Linac-Mounted Cone Beam Imaging With Prior Knowledge.”. Medical Physics 38. Medical Physics: 668–81.
. 2011. “Sub-Anesthetic Ketamine Modulates Intrinsic Bold Connectivity Within The Hippocampal-Prefrontal Circuit In The Rat”. Neuropsychopharmacology 39 (4). Neuropsychopharmacology: 895-906. doi:10.1038/npp.2013.290.
. 2014. “Technical Note: Nanometric Organic Photovoltaic Thin Film Detectors For Dose Monitoring In Diagnostic X-Ray Imaging.”. Med Phys 42 (7). Med Phys: 4027-32. doi:10.1118/1.4922202.
. 2015. “Telemedizinische Erfassung Von „Patient-Reported Outcomes“”. Forum 33 (2). Forum: 94–100. doi:10.1007/s12312-018-0393-4.
. 2018. “Towards Clinical Implementation Of Ultrafast Combined Kv-Mv Cbct For Igrt Of Lung Cancer: Evaluation Of Registration Accuracy Based On Phantom Study ”. Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie 192. Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie. doi:10.1007/s00066-016-0947-2.
. 2016. “Towards Customizable Thin-Panel Low-Z Detector Arrays: Electrode Design For Increased Spatial Resolution Ion Chamber Arrays”. Physics In Medicine & Biology 65. Physics In Medicine & Biology: 08NT02. doi:10.1088/1361-6560/ab8109.
. 2020. “Transcutaneous Assessment Of Renal Function In Conscious Rats With A Device For Measuring Fitc-Sinistrin Disappearance Curves”. Kidney Int 79. Kidney Int: 1254–1258.
. 2011. “Ultrasound - A New Tool For Surface Matching In Computer Navigated Surgery”. J. Milit. Medicine. J. Milit. Medicine: 151-154.
. 2001. “Ultrasound Transmission Tomography Image Reconstruction With A Fully Convolutional Neural Network”. Physics In Medicine & Biology 65. Physics In Medicine & Biology: 235021. doi:10.1088/1361-6560/abb5c3.
. 2020. “Using Immunotherapy To Boost The Abscopal Effect. ”. Nature Reviews Cancer 18 (5). Nature Reviews Cancer: 322. doi:10.1038/nrc.2018.6.
. 2018. “Virim: A Massively Parallel Processor For Real-Time Volume Visualization In Medicine”. Computer\&graphics 19. Computer\&graphics: 705-710.
. 1995. “Automated Cell Analysis Tool For A Genome-Wide Rnai Screen With Support Vector Machine Based Supervised Learning”. Proc. Spie Medical Imaging. Proc. Spie Medical Imaging.
. 2011. “Automation Of Clip Localization In Digital Tomosynthesis For Setup Of Breast Cancer Patients”. Physica Medica : Pm : An International Journal Devoted To The Applications Of Physics To Medicine And Biology : Official Journal Of The Italian Association Of Biomedical Physics (Aifb). Physica Medica : Pm : An International Journal Devoted To The Applications Of Physics To Medicine And Biology : Official Journal Of The Italian Association Of Biomedical Physics (Aifb). Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali.
. 2011. “Breath-Hold Target Localization With Simultaneous Kilovoltage/megavoltage Cone-Beam Ct And Fast Reconstruction”. Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys. Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys.
. 2010. “Kilovoltage Beam Model For Flat Panel Imaging System With Bow-Tie Filter For Scatter Prediction And Correction”. European Journal Of Medical Physics. European Journal Of Medical Physics.
. 2012. “Physiological Modeling And Real-Time Simulations Based On Dynamic Bayesian Networks”. Miccai2009. Miccai2009.
. 2009. “Reconstruction Of High-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy Images Based On Axial Tomography”. Proc. Spie Medical Imaging. Proc. Spie Medical Imaging.
. 2011. . 2020.
“Transcutaneous Organ Function Measurement”. Google Patents.
. 2018. “Accurate Low-Dose Iterative Ct Reconstruction From Few Projections Using Sparse And Non-Local Regularization Functions”. Dissertation, University Of Heidelberg. Dissertation, University Of Heidelberg. Heidelberg.
. 2016.