Publication List
“Instance Segmentation Of Densely Packed Cells Using A Hybrid Model Of U-Net And Mask R-Cnn”. In Artificial Intelligence And Soft Computing, 626–635. Artificial Intelligence And Soft Computing. Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-61401-0_58.
. 2020. “Interactive Operation Planning And Control With Virim”. In Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 4, 121-133. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 4.
. 1996. “Interactive Operation Planning And Control With Virim”. In Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 4, 121-133. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 4.
. 1996. “Interactive Tool To Create Adjustable Anatomical Atlases For Mouse Brain Imaging”. In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26. Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26.
. 2018. “Interstitial Electronic Stepping Source Kv Brachytherapy: A Feasibility Study”. In Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie, 195:S197–S197. Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie. SPRINGER HEIDELBERG TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANY.
. 2019. “Knochenextraktion Aus Ultraschallbildern Zum Surface Matching Mit Ct- Daten”. In Jahrestagung Der Dgu. Jahrestagung Der Dgu.
. 2000. “Latency-Free And Hazard-Free Volume Memory Architecture For Direct Volume Rendering”. In Eurographics Workshop, 109-119. Eurographics Workshop.
. 1996. “Latency-Free And Hazard-Free Volume Memory Architecture For Direct Volume Rendering”. In Eurographics Workshop, 109-119. Eurographics Workshop.
. 1996. “Longitudinal Vbm Of Downregulation In Mice With Striatum-Specific D2R Overexpression”. In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24. Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24.
. 2016. “Managing Provenance For Medical Datasets - An Example Case For Documenting The Workflow For Image Processing”. In Proceedings Of The 10Th International Joint Conference On Biomedical Engineering Systems And Technologies - Volume 5: Healthinf, (Biostec 2017). Proceedings Of The 10Th International Joint Conference On Biomedical Engineering Systems And Technologies - Volume 5: Healthinf, (Biostec 2017).
. 2017. “Mi-Net: A Deep Network For Non-Linear Ultrasound Computed Tomography Reconstruction”. In 2020 Ieee International Ultrasonics Symposium (Ius), 1–3. 2020 Ieee International Ultrasonics Symposium (Ius). doi:10.1109/IUS46767.2020.9251441.
. 2020. “Minimal Invasive Surgery Of The Pelvis Using Ultrasound”. In Proc. 4Th Caosusa: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery, 203-205. Proc. 4Th Caosusa: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery.
. 2000. “Multigrid Method For Solving Linearized Systems In Ultrasound Transmission Tomography”. In 2018 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings (Nss/mic), 1–3. 2018 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings (Nss/mic). IEEE.
. 2018. “Multiresolution Data Handling For Visualization Of Very Large Volume Data Sets”. In Bvm 2003. Bvm 2003.
. 2003. “Needle-Based Stepping Source Electronic Brachytherapy–A Feasibility Study”. In Radiotherapy And Oncology, 133:S1192–S1193. Radiotherapy And Oncology. ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD ELSEVIER HOUSE, BROOKVALE PLAZA, EAST PARK SHANNON, CO ….
. 2019. “Operation Planning Of Correction Osteotomies In 3D”. In Bmt 2002, 90-92. Bmt 2002.
. 2002. “Planning And Controlling Minimal Invasive Operations By Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering”. In Computer Assisted Radiology Car, 237-242. Computer Assisted Radiology Car.
. 1996. “Planning And Controlling Minimal Invasive Operations By Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering”. In Computer Assisted Radiology Car, 237-242. Computer Assisted Radiology Car.
. 1996. “Precise Computer Aided Correction Of Bone Deformities”. In Wc2003. Wc2003.
. 2003. “Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering”. In Proc. Statustagung Bmbf Hpsc 95, 219-224. Proc. Statustagung Bmbf Hpsc 95.
. 1995. “Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering In Functional Imaging”. In 13Th Ann. Sci. Meeting - Esmrmb 96, 290. 13Th Ann. Sci. Meeting - Esmrmb 96.
. 1996. “Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering In Functional Imaging”. In 13Th Ann. Sci. Meeting - Esmrmb 96, 290. 13Th Ann. Sci. Meeting - Esmrmb 96.
. 1996. “Real-Time Volume Visualization Of Ct And Nmr Images.”. In Minimal Invasive Therapy, 3:9. Minimal Invasive Therapy.
. 1994. “Reducing Artifacts In Volume Rendering By Higher Order Integration”. In Late Breaking Hot Topics, Visualization 97, 1-4. Late Breaking Hot Topics, Visualization 97.
. 1997. “Reference Setup For Quantitative Comparison Of Segmentation Techniques For Short Glass Fiber Ct Data”. In 7Th Conference On Industrial Computed Tomography (Ict 2017). 7Th Conference On Industrial Computed Tomography (Ict 2017). Leuven, Belgium.
. 2017.