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Grunzke, Richard, Jürgen Hesser, Jurgen Starek, Nick Kepper, Sandra Gesing, Marcus Hardt, Volker Hartmann, et al.. 2014. Device-Driven Metadata Management Solutions For Scientific Big Data Use Cases. In 2014 22Nd Euromicro International Conference On Parallel, Distributed, And Network-Based Processing. 2014 22Nd Euromicro International Conference On Parallel, Distributed, And Network-Based Processing. IEEE. doi:10.1109/PDP.2014.119.
Fotiadou, Eleni, Tomasz Konopczyński, Jürgen Hesser, and Rik Vullings. 2019. Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Framework For Fetal Ecg Signal Denoising. In Computing In Cardiology (Cinc 2019). Computing In Cardiology (Cinc 2019).
Debatin, Maurice, Stsepankou Dzimitry, and Jürgen Hesser. 2013. Ct Reconstruction From Few-Views By Higher Order Adaptive Weighted Total Variation Minimization. Proc. Intl. Mtg. On Fully 3D Image Reconstruction. Proc. Intl. Mtg. On Fully 3D Image Reconstruction. Proc. Intl. Mtg. on Fully 3D Image Reconstruction.
Debatin, Maurice, Piotr Zygmanski, Stsepankou Dzimitry, and Jürgen Hesser. 2012. Ct Reconstruction From Few-Views By Anisotropic Total Variation Minimization. Ieee Mic. Ieee Mic. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference.
Maur, Susanne, Dzmitry Stsepankou, and Jürgen Hesser. 2019. Cbct Auto-Calibration By Contour Registration. In Medical Imaging 2019: Physics Of Medical Imaging, 10948:109481N. Medical Imaging 2019: Physics Of Medical Imaging. International Society for Optics and Photonics.
Roth, Karsten, Jürgen Hesser, and Tomasz Konopczyński. 2019. Boosting Liver And Lesion Segmentation From Ct Scans By Mask Mining. Arxiv Preprint Arxiv:1908.05062. Arxiv Preprint Arxiv:1908.05062.
Arand, Frederick, and Jürgen Hesser. 2017. Accurate And Efficient Maximal Ball Algorithm For Pore Network Extraction. Computers & Geosciences 101. Computers & Geosciences: 28–37. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2017.01.004.
Wang, Hongjian, Hartmut Gemmeke, Torsten Hopp, and Jürgen Hesser. 2019. Accelerating Image Reconstruction In Ultrasound Transmission Tomography Using L-Bfgs Algorithm. In Medical Imaging 2019: Ultrasonic Imaging And Tomography, 10955:109550B. Medical Imaging 2019: Ultrasonic Imaging And Tomography. International Society for Optics and Photonics.
