Publication List
“Ray-Casting Free-Form Deformed Volume Objects”. J. Vis. And Comp. Anim. 14. J. Vis. And Comp. Anim.: 61-72.
. 2003. “A Hardware Architecture For Efficient And Flexible Volume Rendering”. Computer \& Graphics 5. Computer \& Graphics: 715-724.
. 2003. “Inverse Ray Deformation Based Fast Volume Free-Form-Deformation”. In Conference On Visualization, Imaging And Image Processing, Viip2001. Conference On Visualization, Imaging And Image Processing, Viip2001. Marbella.
. 2001. “An Adaptive Distance-Coding Based Volume Rendering Accelerator”. In Proc. 1St Int. Game Technology Conference. Proc. 1St Int. Game Technology Conference. Honkong.
. 2001.