Publication List
“Echtzeitvisualisierung In Der Medizin Mittels Volumenorientiertem Raytracing”. In Proc. Statustagung Bmbf Hpsc 95, 213-215. Proc. Statustagung Bmbf Hpsc 95.
. 1995. “Evaluation Of A Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering System”. In Eurographics Workshop, 121-131. Eurographics Workshop.
. 1996. “Fast And Accurate Closest Point Search On Triangulated Surfaces And Its Application To Head Motion Estimation”. In 3Rd Wseas International Conference On Signal, Speech And Image Processing (Icossip2003), 2:874-878. 3Rd Wseas International Conference On Signal, Speech And Image Processing (Icossip2003).
. 2003. “Fast Feldkamp-Reconstruction For Real-Time Reconstruction Using C-Arm-Systems”. In Cars 2002, 430-434. Cars 2002.
. 2002. “Fast Rigid 2D-2D Multimodal Registration”. In Miccai 2004, LNCS 3216:887-894. Miccai 2004.
. 2004. “Fast Visualization By Shear-Warp On Quadratic Super-Spline Models Using Wavelet Data Decomposition”. In Ieee Visualization, 351-358. Ieee Visualization.
. 2005. “Finding The Conformation Of Organic Molecules With Genetic Algorithms”. In Int. Conf. On Evolutionary Computation Ppsn Iv, 972-981. Int. Conf. On Evolutionary Computation Ppsn Iv.
. 1996. “Fpga-Accelerated Volume Reconstruction From X-Ray”. In World Conference On Medical Physics And Biomedical Engineering. World Conference On Medical Physics And Biomedical Engineering.
. 2003. “Fpga-Acceleration Of Cone-Beam Reconstruction For The X-Ray Ct”. In Fpt 04, 327-330. Fpt 04.
. 2004. “From Planning Of Complex Bone Deformities Correction To Computer Aided Operation”. In 14Th Ieee Symposium On Computer-Based Medical Systems, 210-215. 14Th Ieee Symposium On Computer-Based Medical Systems.
. 2001. “Implementation Of Algorithmically Optimized Volume Rendering On Fpga-Hardware”. In Late Breaking Hot Topics, Visualization 99. Late Breaking Hot Topics, Visualization 99.
. 1999. “Implementation Of Ultrasound For Treatment Of Pelvis Fractures”. In 10 Icbme, Biomedical Engineering In The New Millennium: Integration And Breakthroughs, 479-480. 10 Icbme, Biomedical Engineering In The New Millennium: Integration And Breakthroughs.
. 2000. “Implementing Genetic Algorithms With Sterical Constraints For Protein Structure Prediction”. In Parallel Problem Solving In Nature (Ppsn Vii), 959-967. Parallel Problem Solving In Nature (Ppsn Vii).
. 1998. “An Interactive Application For Removal Of Bone Information In Ct-Angiography”. In Ieee Cbms, 396. Ieee Cbms.
. 2004. “Interactive Operation Planning And Control With Virim”. In Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 4, 121-133. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 4.
. 1996. “Interactive Segmentation And Visualization Of Volume Data Sets”. In Late Breaking Hot Topics, Visualization 97, 9-12. Late Breaking Hot Topics, Visualization 97.
. 1997. “Inverse Ray Deformation Based Fast Volume Free-Form-Deformation”. In Conference On Visualization, Imaging And Image Processing, Viip2001. Conference On Visualization, Imaging And Image Processing, Viip2001. Marbella.
. 2001. “Investigation Of The M-Heuristic For Optimal Mutation Probabilities”. In Parallel Problem Solving From Nature 2, 115-124. Parallel Problem Solving From Nature 2.
. 1992. “Iterative Cone-Beam Tomographic Reconstruction,using Hardware Accelerated Forward And Back Projectors”. In Prip 2005, 337-340. Prip 2005.
. 2005. “Knochenextraktion Aus Ultraschallbildern Zum Surface Matching Mit Ct- Daten”. In Jahrestagung Der Dgu. Jahrestagung Der Dgu.
. 2000. “Latency-Free And Hazard-Free Volume Memory Architecture For Direct Volume Rendering”. In Eurographics Workshop, 109-119. Eurographics Workshop.
. 1996. “Live-Wires On Edges Of Pre-Segmented Data”. In Bvm 2003, 156-160. Bvm 2003.
. 2003. “Minimal Invasive Surgery Of The Pelvis Using Ultrasound”. In Proc. 4Th Caosusa: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery, 203-205. Proc. 4Th Caosusa: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery.
. 2000. “Operation Planning Of Correction Osteotomies In 3D”. In Bmt 2002, 90-92. Bmt 2002.
. 2002. “Optimierung Von Fluoreszenzmarkern Mittels Evolutionaerer Algorithmen”. In Anwendungstechnische Praxis. Vol. 10/97. Anwendungstechnische Praxis.
. 1997.