Publication List
“Computer Vision Handbook”. In , 2 (Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition):875-905. Academic Press.
. 1999. “Computer Aided Correction Of Osteotomies”. In 10 Icbme, Biomedical Engineering In The New Millennium: Integration And Breakthroughs, 565. 10 Icbme, Biomedical Engineering In The New Millennium: Integration And Breakthroughs.
. 2000. “Computer Assisted Surgery, 2001 Development And Prospects”. In Results Of A Congress At Reisensburg Castle. Results Of A Congress At Reisensburg Castle.
. 2000. “Computer-Aided Correction Of Bone Deformities”. In Caos: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery. Caos: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery.
. 2000. “Computerunterstuetzte Planung Von Korrekturosteotomien”. Hefte Z.d. Unfallchirurg. 282. Hefte Z.d. Unfallchirurg.: 300-301.
. 2000. “A Constraint-Based Framework For Diagrammatic Reasoning”. Applied Artificial Intelligence 14. Applied Artificial Intelligence: 327–344.
. 2000. “Calculating Dense Disparity Maps From Color Stereo Images, An Efficient Implementation”. In Ieee Workshop On Stereo And Multi-Baseline Vision, 30-36. Ieee Workshop On Stereo And Multi-Baseline Vision. {Kauaí Hawaií.
. 2001. “Computer Assisted Treatment Of Pelvis Fractures”. In Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001, 242-246. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001.
. 2001. “Computer Simulation Of Osteotomy Correction”. In Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001, 247-249. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001.
. 2001. “Computer-Aided Osteotomy Correction: Planning And Operation Support”. In 6Th Intern. Conf. On Pattern Recognition And Information Processing, 101-105. 6Th Intern. Conf. On Pattern Recognition And Information Processing.
. 2001. “Computer-Assisted Surgery: Developments And Prospects In 2001”. In Results Of A Workshop At Schloss Reisenburg, Unfallchirurg 2001th ed., 4:782-788. Results Of A Workshop At Schloss Reisenburg.
. 2001. “Calculating Dense Disparity Maps From Color Stereo Images, An Efficient Implementation”. Int. J. Of Comp. Vision 47. Int. J. Of Comp. Vision: 79-88.
. 2002. “Cathi - Catheter Instruction System”. In Cars 2002, 101-106. Cars 2002.
. 2002. “Cathi - Ein Virtuelles Trainingssystem Fuer Ptca”. In 26. Herbsttagung Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fuer Kardiologie- Herz- Und Kreislaufforschung. 26. Herbsttagung Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fuer Kardiologie- Herz- Und Kreislaufforschung.
. 2002. “Cathi Training On Virtual Patients For Catheter Interventions”. In Bmt 2002, 1:121-123. Bmt 2002.
. 2002. “Computer Analysis Of Doppler Myocardial Images”. In Int. Congr. On Biol. \& Med. Engineering (Icbme). Int. Congr. On Biol. \& Med. Engineering (Icbme).
. 2002. “Cathi - A New Training Concept In Interventional Cardiology”. In Sesam 2003. Sesam 2003.
. 2003. “Correction Of C-Arm Projection Matrices By 3D-2D Rigid Registration Of Ct-Images Using Mutual Information”. In Wibr 03, LNCS 2717:161-170. Wibr 03.
. 2003. “Cathi - From Patient Data Generation To Cardiological Training Systems”. In Mmvr 12, 313-315. Mmvr 12.
. 2004. “Cathi: Training System For Ptca - A Step Closer To Reality”. In 2Nd Int. Symp. On Medical Simulation Emerging Science | Enabling Technologies, LNCS 3078:249-255. 2Nd Int. Symp. On Medical Simulation Emerging Science | Enabling Technologies.
. 2004. “Clustering And Link Propagation For Surface Reconstruction”. In Siggraph 2004. Siggraph 2004.
. 2004. “Cone-Beam Ct Reconstruction Using A Combination Of Fpgas And Gpus”. In Hvc Workshop 2005. Hvc Workshop 2005.
. 2005. “Clinical Evaluation Of The Performance Of A Fuzzy Logic Guided Parameter Optimization For Inverse Treatment Planning”. In Medical Physics, 33:2077. Medical Physics. AAPM.
. 2006. “Concurrent Particle Tracking Using An Iterative Kalman Filter Approach”. Bildverarbeitung Fã�¼R Die Medizin 2009. Bildverarbeitung Fã�¼R Die Medizin 2009: 430–433.
. 2009. “Constrained Rltv Deblurring For Confocal Microscopy”. In World Congress On Medical Physics And Biomedical Engineering - 2009. World Congress On Medical Physics And Biomedical Engineering - 2009. IUPESM.
. 2009.