Publication List

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Conference Paper
Brunner, Alexander, Lei Zheng, Alexander Zyl, Florian Maier, Wolfhard Semmler, J\ Hesser, and Michael Bock. 2012. 3D-Angiograms From 4 Mr-Projections: A Quantitative Analysis. In Proceedings 20Th Scientific Meeting, International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine, 523. Proceedings 20Th Scientific Meeting, International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine.
Cleppien, Dirk Ernst, Alexander Sartorius, Claudia Falfán-Melgoza, Natalia Gass, Lei Zheng, and Wolfgang Weber-Fahr. 2012. Differential Pattern Of Striatal Cerebral Blood Volume After A Haloperidol Challenge In Rats. In Proceedings 20Th Scientific Meeting, International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine, 799. Proceedings 20Th Scientific Meeting, International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine.
Pyatykh, S., Lei Zheng, and Jürgen Hesser. 2013. Fast Noise Variance Estimation By Principal Component Analysis. In Is&t/spie Electronic Imaging 2013. Is&t/spie Electronic Imaging 2013. SPIE.
Biedermann, Sarah, Alexander Sartorius, Lei Zheng, Barbara Vollmayr, Peter Gass, Gabriele Ende, and Wolfgang Weber-Fahr. 2009. Hippocampal Alterations In Congenital Learned Helpless Rats After Electroconvulsive Seizures Detected With In Vivo 1H Mr-Spectroscopy At 9.4T. In Proceedings 17Th Scientific Meeting, International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine, 3289. Proceedings 17Th Scientific Meeting, International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine.
Shmarlouski, A., T. H Huynh, J. Hesser, and Lei Zheng. 2018. Improvement Of Human Motion Tracking By Kalman Filter. In Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie, 194:S88–S88. Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie. SPRINGER HEIDELBERG TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANY.
Weber-Fahr, W., S. Biedermann, Lei Zheng, C. Falfan-Melgoza, J. Fuss, A. Sartorius, P. Gass, and G. Ende. 2011. The Influence Of Physical Activity On The Structure And Metabolism Of The Mouse Hippocampus - Combining 1H Mrs And Vbm At 9.4T. In Proceedings 19Th Scientific Meeting, International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine. Proceedings 19Th Scientific Meeting, International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine.
Prabhune, Ajinkya, Rainer Stotzka, Michael Gertz, Lei Zheng, and Jürgen Hesser. 2017. Managing Provenance For Medical Datasets - An Example Case For Documenting The Workflow For Image Processing. In Proceedings Of The 10Th International Joint Conference On Biomedical Engineering Systems And Technologies - Volume 5: Healthinf, (Biostec 2017). Proceedings Of The 10Th International Joint Conference On Biomedical Engineering Systems And Technologies - Volume 5: Healthinf, (Biostec 2017).
Pyatykh, S., Lei Zheng, Catharina Wehner, Michael Ehmann, Katharina Fleckenstein, Frederik Wenz, and Jürgen Hesser. 2010. Mri Artefact Correction For (Hyperthermia) Treatment Planning. In Degro 2010. Degro 2010. Magdeburg, Germany: Deutschen Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie e.V. (DEGRO).
Zheng, Lei, Sarah Biedermann, Jürgen Hesser, Alexander Sartorius, and Wolfgang Weber-Fahr. 2009. A Rat Brain Template Of Class Distribution Maps Based On Diffeomorphic Image Registration. In Proceedings 17Th Scientific Meeting, International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine, 2897. Proceedings 17Th Scientific Meeting, International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine.
Cleppien, Dirk Ernst, Lei Zheng, Claudia Falfán-Melgoza, Barbara Vollmayr, Wolfgang Weber-Fahr, and Alexander Sartorius. 2014. Regional Cerebral Blood Volume (Rcbv) Bias Voxel-Based Morphometry (Vbm) In An Animal Study. In Proceedings 22Nd Scientific Meeting, International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine, 0943. Proceedings 22Nd Scientific Meeting, International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine.
Zheng, Lei, Dmitry Maksimov, Tobias Stutzmann, Susanne Jochum, Carolin Brockmann, Steffen Diehl, and Jürgen Hesser. 2008. Removal Of Bone Information In Dual Energy Ct. In Proceedings Of The Miccai-Cvii Workshop, 120–127. Proceedings Of The Miccai-Cvii Workshop. New York, USA.
Zheng, Lei, A. Shmarlouski, T. H Huynh, and J. Hesser. 2018. Robust Estimation Of Correspondences For One-Shot 3D Surface Reconstruction. In Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie, 194:S87–S88. Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie. SPRINGER HEIDELBERG TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANY.
Glodeck, Daniel, Lei Zheng, and Jürgen Hesser. 2016. Verwendung Mehrerer Bildmerkmale Mit Mutual Information In Der Multimodalen Bildregistrierung. In 47. Jahrestagung Der Dgmp Und 19. Jahrestagung Der Ismrm-Ds. 47. Jahrestagung Der Dgmp Und 19. Jahrestagung Der Ismrm-Ds. Würzburg.
Conference Proceedings
Konopczyński, Tomasz, Thorben Kröger, Lei Zheng, Christoph S Garbe, and Jürgen Hesser. 2016. Automated Multiscale 3D Feature Learning For Vessels Segmentation In Thorax Ct Images. Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference. Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference. doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2016.8069570.
Journal Article
Pyatykh, S., Lei Zheng, and Jürgen Hesser. 2012. Efficient Method Of Pixel Neighborhood Traversal. Journal Of Visual Communication And Image Representation 23. Journal Of Visual Communication And Image Representation: 719-728.
