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Beiersdoerfer, S., J. Hesser, R. Männer, A. Schulz, and J. Wolfrum. 1997. Optimierung Von Fluoreszenzmarkern Mittels Evolutionaerer Algorithmen. In Anwendungstechnische Praxis. Vol. 10/97. Anwendungstechnische Praxis.
Hesser, J., O. Stucky, and R. Maenner. 1989. Optimization Of Steiner Trees Using Genetic Algorithms. In Proc. 3Rd Int. Conf. On Genetic Algorithms, 231-236. Proc. 3Rd Int. Conf. On Genetic Algorithms.
Prabhune, Ajinkya, Rainer Stotzka, Thomas Jejkal, Volker Hartmann, Margund Bach, Eberhard Schmitt, Michael Hausmann, and Juergen Hesser. 2015. An Optimized Generic Client Service Api For Managing Large Datasets Within A Data Repository. In 2015 Ieee First International Conference On Big Data Computing Service And Applications. 2015 Ieee First International Conference On Big Data Computing Service And Applications. IEEE. doi:10.1109/BigDataService.2015.25.
Hesser, J., and R. Männer. 1996. Parallel Workstation For 3D Data Processing. In Supercomputer 96; Fokuspraxis, Information Und Kommunikation, 14:138-149. Supercomputer 96; Fokuspraxis, Information Und Kommunikation.
Müller, U., J. Hesser, and R. Männer. 2005. Parameter Choice For Fast Rigid Multimodal Registration. In Proc. Spie Medical Imaging, 5747:163-169. Proc. Spie Medical Imaging.
Boggula, R., L. Jahnke, H. Wertz, F. Lohr, and F. Wenz. 2011. Patient-Specific 3D Pretreatment And Potential 3D Online Dose Verification Of Monte Carlo–Calculated Imrt Prostate Treatment Plans. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 81. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics: 1168–1175.
Mueller, R, S Yasmin-Karim, M Moreau, J Hesser, and W Ngwa. 2019. Priming The Abscopal Effect-A Lung Cancer Study. In Medical Physics, 46:E459–E459. Medical Physics. WILEY 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA.
Muders, Jens, and Juergen Hesser. 2015. Projection-Wise Filter Optimization For Limited-Angle Cone-Beam Ct Using The Approximate Inverse. Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science 62 (1). Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science: 148,163.
Bindewald, E., J. Hesser, and R. Männer. 2000. Protein Structure Prediction Using Combinatorial Optimization. In Int. Conf. Mathematics And Engineering Techniques In Medicine And Biological Sciences (Metmbs), 233-238. Int. Conf. Mathematics And Engineering Techniques In Medicine And Biological Sciences (Metmbs).
Bindewald, E., U. Höfer, M. Heiler, J. Hesser, and R. Männer. 1998. Protein Structure Prediction With Combinatorial Optimization. In Third Community Wide Experiment On The Critical Assessment Of Techniques For Protein Structure Prediction, Casp3, 77. Third Community Wide Experiment On The Critical Assessment Of Techniques For Protein Structure Prediction, Casp3.
Prabhune, Ajinkya, Aaron Zweig, Rainer Stotzka, Michael Gertz, and Juergen Hesser. 2016. Prov2One: An Algorithm For Automatically Constructing Provone Provenance Graphs. In Provenance And Annotation Of Data And Processes, 204–208. Provenance And Annotation Of Data And Processes. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-40593-3_22.{\_}22.
