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Hesser, J., and R. Männer. 1994. Virim: The Real-Time 3D-Visualization System. In Vde/vdi-Workshop Integrative 3D Visualisierung. Vde/vdi-Workshop Integrative 3D Visualisierung.
Hesser, Juergen, and Davide Brivio. 2020. X-Ray Based Nanoparticle Imaging. In Nanoparticle Enhanced Radiation Therapy, 12–1 to 12–18. Nanoparticle Enhanced Radiation Therapy. IOP Publishing. doi:10.1088/978-0-7503-2396-3ch12.
Hesser, J., C. Hinkelbein, K. Kornmesser, T. Kuberka, A. Kugel, R. Männer, H. Singpiel, and B. Vettermann. 1998. Atlantis A Hybrid Approach Combining The Power Of Fpga And Risc Processors Based On Compactpci. In Fccm 98, Ieee Symposium On Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines. Fccm 98, Ieee Symposium On Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines.
Hesser, J., R. Männer, G. Knittel, W. Straßer, H. Pfister, and A. Kaufman. 1995. Three Architectures For Volume Rendering. In Eurographics 95, 14:111-122. Eurographics 95.
Hesser, J., and R. Männer. 1991. Towards An Optimal Mutation Probability For Genetic Algorithms. In Parallel Problem Solving From Nature, Lecture Notes In Comp. Sci., 496:23-32. Parallel Problem Solving From Nature, Lecture Notes In Comp. Sci.
Hesser, J., and R. Männer. 1996. Parallel Workstation For 3D Data Processing. In Supercomputer 96; Fokuspraxis, Information Und Kommunikation, 14:138-149. Supercomputer 96; Fokuspraxis, Information Und Kommunikation.
Hesser, J., and C. Poliwoda. 1999. Computer Vision Handbook. In , 2 (Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition):875-905. Academic Press.
Hesser, J., and R. Männer. 1991. An Alternative Genetic Algorithm. In Parallel Problem Solving From Nature; Lecture Notes In Comp. Sci., 496:33-37. Parallel Problem Solving From Nature; Lecture Notes In Comp. Sci.
Hesser, J., A. Kugel, H. Singpiel, B. Vettermann, and R. Männer. 1999. Volume Rendering Fpga Hardware. In 11Th Symp. Comp. Arch. And High Perf. Comp., Sbac 99. 11Th Symp. Comp. Arch. And High Perf. Comp., Sbac 99.
Hesser, J., and R. Männer. 1992. Investigation Of The M-Heuristic For Optimal Mutation Probabilities. In Parallel Problem Solving From Nature 2, 115-124. Parallel Problem Solving From Nature 2.
Hesser, J., A. Groepl, T. Günther, C. Poliwoda, C. Reinhart, R. Männer, and D.F. Braus. 1996. Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering In Functional Imaging. In 13Th Ann. Sci. Meeting - Esmrmb 96, 290. 13Th Ann. Sci. Meeting - Esmrmb 96.
Hesser, J., and R. Männer. 1999. Realistische Reisen Durch Den Menschlichen Körper. Sp. D. Wissenschaft, Digest 2/99. Sp. D. Wissenschaft, Digest: 104-106.
Hesser, J., O. Stucky, and R. Maenner. 1989. Optimization Of Steiner Trees Using Genetic Algorithms. In Proc. 3Rd Int. Conf. On Genetic Algorithms, 231-236. Proc. 3Rd Int. Conf. On Genetic Algorithms.
Hesser, J. 1997. Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering And Interactive Segmentation Of Medical Volume Data Sets. In Herbsttagung 97: 3D Bildanalyse Und Synthese, 89-96. Herbsttagung 97: 3D Bildanalyse Und Synthese.
Hesser, J., and R. Maenner. 1999. Realistische Reisen Durch Den Menschlichen Koerper. Sp. D. Wissenschaft, Dossier 1/99. Sp. D. Wissenschaft, Dossier: 34-35.
Hesser, J., O. Stucky, and R. Männer. 1991. On Steiner Trees And Genetic Algorithms. In Parallelism, Learning, Evolution, Lect. Notes In Comp. Sci., 565:509-525. Parallelism, Learning, Evolution, Lect. Notes In Comp. Sci.
