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Verma, Shwetabh, Juergen Hesser, and Samuel Arba Mosquera. 2018. Method For Assessing The Impact Of Residual Roughness After Corneal Ablation In Polychromatic Vision. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science: 5806–5806.
Prokosch, HU, A. Till, J. Bernarding, H. Binder, M. Boeker, M. Boerries, P. Daumke, et al.. 2018. Miracum: Medical Informatics In Research And Care In University Medicine.. Methods Inf Med. 57 (S 01). Methods Inf Med.: e91. doi:10.3414/ME17-02-0025.
Wang, Hongjian, Hartmut Gemmeke, Torsten Hopp, and Jürgen Hesser. 2018. Multigrid Method For Solving Linearized Systems In Ultrasound Transmission Tomography. In 2018 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings (Nss/mic), 1–3. 2018 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings (Nss/mic). IEEE.
Zheng, Lei, A. Shmarlouski, T. H Huynh, and J. Hesser. 2018. Robust Estimation Of Correspondences For One-Shot 3D Surface Reconstruction. In Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie, 194:S87–S88. Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie. SPRINGER HEIDELBERG TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANY.
Wang, Hongjian, Burak Dalkilic, Hartmut Gemmeke, Torsten Hopp, and Jürgen Hesser. 2018. Ultrasound Image Reconstruction Using Nesterov's Accelerated Gradient. In 2018 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings (Nss/mic), 1–3. 2018 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings (Nss/mic). IEEE.
Wang, H, H Gemmeke, T Hopp, and J Hesser. 2018. Usct Image Reconstruction: Acceleration Using Gauss-Newton Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient. In Proceedings Of The International Workshop On Medical Ultrasound Tomography, 41–52. Proceedings Of The International Workshop On Medical Ultrasound Tomography. KIT Scientific Publishing.
Wang, H, H Gemmeke, T Hopp, and J Hesser. 2018. Usct Imaging Acceleration Using Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient And Multigrid Methods. In Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie, 194:S153–S154. Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie. SPRINGER HEIDELBERG TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANY.
Arand, Frederick, and Jürgen Hesser. 2017. Accurate And Efficient Maximal Ball Algorithm For Pore Network Extraction. Computers & Geosciences 101. Computers & Geosciences: 28–37. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2017.01.004.
Prabhune, Ajinkya, Rainer Stotzka, Michael Gertz, Lei Zheng, and Jürgen Hesser. 2017. Managing Provenance For Medical Datasets - An Example Case For Documenting The Workflow For Image Processing. In Proceedings Of The 10Th International Joint Conference On Biomedical Engineering Systems And Technologies - Volume 5: Healthinf, (Biostec 2017). Proceedings Of The 10Th International Joint Conference On Biomedical Engineering Systems And Technologies - Volume 5: Healthinf, (Biostec 2017).
Verma, S, J. Hesser, and Samuel Arba-Mosquera. 2017. Method To Evaluate The Impact Of Residual Roughness After Corneal Ablation In Perception And Vision. In European Association For Vision And Eye Research. European Association For Vision And Eye Research.
