Publication List

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Schill, M., C. Reinhart, T. Günther, C. Poliwoda, J. Hesser, M. Schinkmann, H.-J. Bender, and R. Männer. 1997. Simulation Of Brain Tissue And Realtime Volume Visualization. In Computer Aided Radiology Car97, 283-288. Computer Aided Radiology Car97.
Ludvig, J., J. Hesser, and R. Männer. 1997. Tackling The Representation Problem By Stochastic Averaging. In Int. Conf. On Ga Icga 97, 196-203. Int. Conf. On Ga Icga 97.
Beiersdoerfer, S., J. Schmitt, M. Sauer, A. Schulz, S. Siebert, J. Hesser, R. Männer, and J. Wolfrum. 1996. Finding The Conformation Of Organic Molecules With Genetic Algorithms. In Int. Conf. On Evolutionary Computation Ppsn Iv, 972-981. Int. Conf. On Evolutionary Computation Ppsn Iv.
Gröpl, A., T. Günther, J. Hesser, J. Kröll, R. Männer, C. Poliwoda, C. Reinhart, et al.. 1996. Interactive Operation Planning And Control With Virim. In Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 4, 121-133. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 4.
Hesser, J., and R. Männer. 1996. Parallel Workstation For 3D Data Processing. In Supercomputer 96; Fokuspraxis, Information Und Kommunikation, 14:138-149. Supercomputer 96; Fokuspraxis, Information Und Kommunikation.
Hesser, J., A. Groepl, T. Günther, C. Poliwoda, C. Reinhart, R. Männer, and D.F. Braus. 1996. Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering In Functional Imaging. In 13Th Ann. Sci. Meeting - Esmrmb 96, 290. 13Th Ann. Sci. Meeting - Esmrmb 96.
Ludvig, J., J. Hesser, and R. Männer. 1996. Real-Time Optimization By Hardware Supported Genetic Algorithms. In 2Nd Int. Mendel Conf. On Ga, 52-59. 2Nd Int. Mendel Conf. On Ga.
Beiersdörfer, S., J. Hesser, J. Schmitt, A. Schulz, R. Männer, and J. Wolfrum. 1996. Search For Conformation Of Organic Molecules By Genetic Algorithms. In Comp. Sci. And Biol., Proc. Germ. Conf. Bioinformatics Gcb96, 165-167. Comp. Sci. And Biol., Proc. Germ. Conf. Bioinformatics Gcb96.
Bohnenberger, O., J. Hesser, and R. Männer. 1995. Automatic Design Of Truss Structures Using Evolutionary Algorithms. In Ieee Int. Conf. On Evolutionary Comp., 143-147. Ieee Int. Conf. On Evolutionary Comp.
Männer, R., J. Hessser, T. Günther, C. Poliwoda, C. Reinhart, H.-P. Meinzer, U. Baur, et al.. 1995. Echtzeitvisualisierung In Der Medizin Mittels Volumenorientiertem Raytracing. In Proc. Statustagung Bmbf Hpsc 95, 213-215. Proc. Statustagung Bmbf Hpsc 95.
Männer, R., J. Hesser, T. Günther, C. Poliwoda, and C. Reinhart. 1995. Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering. In Proc. Statustagung Bmbf Hpsc 95, 219-224. Proc. Statustagung Bmbf Hpsc 95.
Hesser, J., R. Männer, G. Knittel, W. Straßer, H. Pfister, and A. Kaufman. 1995. Three Architectures For Volume Rendering. In Eurographics 95, 14:111-122. Eurographics 95.
Groepl, A., T. Günther, J. Hesser, J. Kröll, R. Männer, C. Poliwoda, and C. Reinhart. 1995. A Volume Rendering System For Medicine. In Proc. Informationssysteme Im Unternehmen Krankenhaus, 1-3. Proc. Informationssysteme Im Unternehmen Krankenhaus.
Hesser, J., and R. Männer. 1994. Virim: The Real-Time 3D-Visualization System. In Vde/vdi-Workshop Integrative 3D Visualisierung. Vde/vdi-Workshop Integrative 3D Visualisierung.
Hesser, J., and R. Männer. 1992. Investigation Of The M-Heuristic For Optimal Mutation Probabilities. In Parallel Problem Solving From Nature 2, 115-124. Parallel Problem Solving From Nature 2.
Hesser, J., and R. Männer. 1991. An Alternative Genetic Algorithm. In Parallel Problem Solving From Nature; Lecture Notes In Comp. Sci., 496:33-37. Parallel Problem Solving From Nature; Lecture Notes In Comp. Sci.
Hesser, J., O. Stucky, and R. Männer. 1991. On Steiner Trees And Genetic Algorithms. In Parallelism, Learning, Evolution, Lect. Notes In Comp. Sci., 565:509-525. Parallelism, Learning, Evolution, Lect. Notes In Comp. Sci.
