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Zheng, Lei, A. Shmarlouski, T. H Huynh, and J. Hesser. 2018. Robust Estimation Of Correspondences For One-Shot 3D Surface Reconstruction. In Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie, 194:S87–S88. Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie. SPRINGER HEIDELBERG TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANY.
Maier, D., J. Hesser, and R. Männer. 2003. Robust Head Tracking For Fmri And Meg. In 7Th World Multiconference On Systemics, Cybernetics And Informatics, Voll Iv, 159-163. 7Th World Multiconference On Systemics, Cybernetics And Informatics, Voll Iv.
Pyatykh, S., and Juergen Hesser. 2014. Salt And Pepper Noise Removal In Binary Images Using Image Block Prior Probabilities. Journal Of Visual Communication And Image Representation 25. Journal Of Visual Communication And Image Representation: 748-754.
Beiersdörfer, S., J. Hesser, J. Schmitt, A. Schulz, R. Männer, and J. Wolfrum. 1996. Search For Conformation Of Organic Molecules By Genetic Algorithms. In Comp. Sci. And Biol., Proc. Germ. Conf. Bioinformatics Gcb96, 165-167. Comp. Sci. And Biol., Proc. Germ. Conf. Bioinformatics Gcb96.
Beiersdoerfer, S., J. Hesser, J. Schmitt, A. Schulz, R. Männer, and J. Wolfrum. 1997. Search For Native Conformations Of Organic Molecules By Genetic Algorithms. In Euromicro 97, Euromicro Worksh. On Computational Intelligence, 624-630. Euromicro 97, Euromicro Worksh. On Computational Intelligence.
Schill, M., C. Reinhart, T. Günther, C. Poliwoda, J. Hesser, M. Schinkmann, H.-J. Bender, and R. Männer. 1997. Simulation Of Brain Tissue And Realtime Volume Visualization. In Computer Aided Radiology Car97, 283-288. Computer Aided Radiology Car97.
Buerger, Benny, Ciamak Abkai, and Juergen Hesser. 2008. Simulation Of Dynamic Ultrasound Based On Ct Models For Medical Education. Studies In Health Technology And Informatics 132. Studies In Health Technology And Informatics: 65-61. images/Publication/2008/2008_buerger_us.pdf.
Becherer, N., H. Jödicke, G. Schlosser, J. Hesser, F. Zeilfelder, and R. Männer. 2006. On Soft Clipping Of Zernike Moments For Deblurring And Enhancement Of Optical Point Spread Functions. In Image Processing: Algorithms And Systems, Neural Networks, And Machine Learning, Proceedings Of The Spie, 6065:73-83. Image Processing: Algorithms And Systems, Neural Networks, And Machine Learning, Proceedings Of The Spie.
Muders, Jens, and Jürgen Hesser. 2014. Stable And Robust Geometric Self-Calibration For Cone-Beam Ct Using Mutual Information. Ieee Transaction On Nuclear Science 61. Ieee Transaction On Nuclear Science: 202,217.
Hesser, J., O. Stucky, and R. Männer. 1991. On Steiner Trees And Genetic Algorithms. In Parallelism, Learning, Evolution, Lect. Notes In Comp. Sci., 565:509-525. Parallelism, Learning, Evolution, Lect. Notes In Comp. Sci.
Hausmann, Michael, Götz Pilarczyk, Emanuel Maus, Jürgen Hesser, and Georg Hildenbrand. 2020. Super-Resolution Microscopy Of Nanogold-Labelling. In Nanoparticle Enhanced Radiation Therapy, 11–1 to 11–10. Nanoparticle Enhanced Radiation Therapy. IOP Publishing. doi:10.1088/978-0-7503-2396-3ch11.
