Publication List
“Evaluation Of A Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering System”. Computer \& Graphics 21. Computer \& Graphics: 189-198.
. 1997. “Distributed Web-Based Image Processing Tool”. In Int. Conf. Mathematics And Engineering Techniques In Medicine And Biological Sciences (Metmbs), 657-663. Int. Conf. Mathematics And Engineering Techniques In Medicine And Biological Sciences (Metmbs).
. 2000. “Latency-Free And Hazard-Free Volume Memory Architecture For Direct Volume Rendering”. Computers \& Graphics 21. Computers \& Graphics: 179-187.
. 1997. “Accuracy Of Ultrasound-Based (Bat) Prostate-Repositioning: A Three-Dimensional On-Line Fiducial-Based Assessment With Cone-Beam Computed Tomography.”. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 70. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics: 1247–55. doi:10.1016/j.ijrobp.2007.12.003.
. 2008. “Analysis And Prediction Of Helix Shift Errors In Homology Modeling”. In Silico Biology 6. In Silico Biology: 131-145.
. 2006. “Breath-Hold Target Localization With Simultaneous Kilovoltage/megavoltage Cone-Beam Ct And Fast Reconstruction”. Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys. Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys.
. 2010. . 2008.
“Workflow Automation For Ultrafast Kilovoltage-Megavoltage Cone-Beam Ct For Image Guided Radiotherapy”. In 2Nd Estro Forum, Geneva, Switzerland. 2Nd Estro Forum, Geneva, Switzerland.
. 2013. “Schnelle Bildgebung Auf Basis Von Kombinierter Kv-Mv Rekonstruktion”. In Degro2008. Degro2008.
. 2008. “Finalized Implementation Of Ultrafast Kilovoltage-Megavoltage Cbct For Image Guided Radiotherapy Of Lung Cancer: System Description And Real-Time Results.”. Z Med Phys 28 (2). Z Med Phys: 110-120. doi:10.1016/j.zemedi.2018.01.002.
. 2018. “Automated Ultrafast Kilovoltage–Megavoltage Cone-Beam Ct For Image Guided Radiotherapy Of Lung Cancer: System Description And Real-Time Results”. Zeitschrift Für Medizinische Physik 28. Zeitschrift Für Medizinische Physik: 110–120.
. 2018. “Image Guided Radiation Therapy Using Ultrafast Kv-Mv Cbct: End-To-End Test Results Of The Finalized Implementation”. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 90 (1). International Journal Of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics: S828–S829 .
. 2014. “Kilovoltage Beam Model For Flat Panel Imaging System With Bow-Tie Filter For Scatter Prediction And Correction”. European Journal Of Medical Physics. European Journal Of Medical Physics.
. 2012. “An Offline Technique To Evaluate Residual Motion Of The Diaphragm During Deep Inspiratory Breath-Hold From Cone-Beam Ct Datasets”. Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie 194 (9). Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie: 855–860. doi:10.1007/s00066-018-1313-3.
. 2018. “Kv Beam Model For Flat Panel Imaging System With Bow Tie Filter”. In 2009 Munich: World Congress 2009, Medical Physics And Biomedical Engineering, 11 International Congress Of Iupesm. 2009 Munich: World Congress 2009, Medical Physics And Biomedical Engineering, 11 International Congress Of Iupesm.
. 2009. “Analysis Of The Point Spread Function Of Isocentric Digital Tomosynthesis (Dts)”. In Aapm2006. Aapm2006.
. 2006. “Breath-Hold Target Localization With Simultaneous Kilovoltage/megavoltage Cone-Beam Ct And Fast Reconstruction”. In World Congress 2009, Medical Physics And Biomedical Engineering, 11 International Congress Of Iupesm. World Congress 2009, Medical Physics And Biomedical Engineering, 11 International Congress Of Iupesm.
. 2009. “Manifold: Protein Fold Recognition Based On Secondary Structure, Sequence Similarity And Enzyme Classification”. Protein Engineering 16. Protein Engineering: 785-789.
. 2003. “Ab Initio Protein Structure Prediction With Molego”. In International Conference On Intelligent Systems For Molecular Biology (Ismb 99), 9. International Conference On Intelligent Systems For Molecular Biology (Ismb 99).
. 1999. “Protein Structure Prediction With Combinatorial Optimization”. In Third Community Wide Experiment On The Critical Assessment Of Techniques For Protein Structure Prediction, Casp3, 77. Third Community Wide Experiment On The Critical Assessment Of Techniques For Protein Structure Prediction, Casp3.
. 1998. “Secondary Structure And Function Based Protein Fold Recognition”. In Casp4, A-9. Casp4.
. 2000. “Implementing Genetic Algorithms With Sterical Constraints For Protein Structure Prediction”. In Parallel Problem Solving In Nature (Ppsn Vii), 959-967. Parallel Problem Solving In Nature (Ppsn Vii).
. 1998. “Protein Structure Prediction Using Combinatorial Optimization”. In Int. Conf. Mathematics And Engineering Techniques In Medicine And Biological Sciences (Metmbs), 233-238. Int. Conf. Mathematics And Engineering Techniques In Medicine And Biological Sciences (Metmbs).
. 2000. “The Liver Tumor Segmentation Benchmark (Lits)”. Arxiv Preprint Arxiv:1901.04056. Arxiv Preprint Arxiv:1901.04056.
. 2019. “Hippocampal Alterations In Congenital Learned Helpless Rats After Electroconvulsive Seizures Detected With In Vivo 1H Mr-Spectroscopy At 9.4T”. In Proceedings 17Th Scientific Meeting, International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine, 3289. Proceedings 17Th Scientific Meeting, International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine.
. 2009.